333 E. Lancaster Avenue, #4, Wynnewood, PA 19096
333 E. Lancaster Avenue, #4, Wynnewood, PA 19096Basics
- Price per sqft: $29.00
- Date added: Added 4 years ago
- Category: For Lease
- Rent Period: Per Month
- Type: Lower Merion - Lease
- Status: Active
- Bathrooms: 0.0 baths
- Floors: 1 floor
- Area: 1400 sq ft
- Year remodeled: 2018
Current Restaurant in Wynnewood West Shopping Center. 1,400 sf endcap. Completely renovated in 2018. Great ingress/egress, excellent signage, established successful retail shopping center, highly populated area with great demographics, "shadow anchored" by new CVS, walk to new Whole foods, Giant, Post Office, Starbucks, Train Station and more! $3,383/month plus CAM/Taxes/Insurance estimated at $825/month.
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